Well, that happened...and everyone seems to want, no NEED, to have their say about two people they know very little about. Myself included. This blog will be my outlet for catharsis today. We're all affected in some way or we wouldn't feel the need to comment on the situation. I've had 24 hours to reflect on this and talk to my online and especially RL comrades and I think it boils down to one thing.
We're in love with the idea of love.
We love Stephenie Meyer's books in part because we're hopeless romantics at heart. And Edward and Bella's love, is about as perfect as love can get. Especially the way he loves her. Unconditionally, unequivocally, irrevocably, and without question. Their relationship is built on trust. How many times does Bella say "I trust you". How many times does she say it, in the movies, right before our favorite scenes (Breaking Dawn Part 1, anyone? You all know the scene I'm referring to). Love and trust go hand in hand. You can't have one without the other.
What Kristen did, was a breach of trust. Of Rob's trust. Of the trust of Rupert's wife. Of the trust of her fans who believed in her love, which, if true, requires that she is inevitably a good person. Not flawless, not perfect, but trustworthy at the least. Recently admitting publicly that she was in a relationship has allowed her fans, and fans of the Twilight Saga specifically, to impose her relationship with Rob onto Edward and Bella. Knowing they were together made the movies better. The chemistry on screen was not just acted, it was real. We were witnessing real love, ideal love, magical love. True Love.
And now that magic, it's been tainted. Our feelings about her, have been tainted. Out interactions with her are limited, for the most part, to the role of Bella Swan on screen, therefore we can't help but impose our disappointment onto the movies. This is true for viewers of the movies, and for readers of the books who started hearing the actors voices as the read the pages. I keep reading that the fandom needs to "mind their own business", that "it's about them", not us. And that's true, but only partially. It IS about us because we feel sadness, pain, and anger. These feelings are real, they are justified, they are not imagined and having feelings is a part of who we are as human beings.
The Twilight Saga is one of the most successful franchises in the world. Why? Because it made us feel something. For most of us that was happiness. And that is why I'm posting today. I"m not happy any more. I'm angry. I'm angry because my safe place, my fantasy world, has been tainted. Infidelity is wrong. This is inarguable. Infidelity with a married man who vowed to be faithful, who has children, that's just an entirely different level of wrong.
It's true, we don't know what life in Hollywood is really like. We don't know who Rob and Kristen truly are. But we do know that they had an ability to make us feel. She was given the privilege, as an actor, to be able to affect people. The Twilight Saga has given her the ability to affect people greatly. And to say she truly appreciated that would be false. We'll never know how Rob has been affected by this, but it is safe to say that he's been wronged. I only wish it was happiness that I'm feeling now, but it's not. And I'll never be able to go back to that magical place. Nonetheless, I'd like to say thank you Stephenie Meyer for your amazing series. Thank you Summit Entertainment/Lionsgate for your amazing films. Thank you to Rob. You've made my life happier.
I guess that's all I have to say about that.
Unequivocally Twilight
Just another Twilight blog by another devoted (30 something...) fan. I'm here for the twilove, for the funniez, for all that good stuff that comes with letting Twilight into your life.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Hiatus over!
You know you've been away from your blog too long when you can't remember your sign in name and pswd....and when your own blog address is gone from your internet history because it's been that long since you've posted. Well, now that Christmas mania is over, the twilight obsession is starting to take over my brain again. I've only got room for one obsession at a time, it seems. I couldn't get into Christmas until I'd seen Breaking Dawn half a dozen times, and even then, this is the first year that I didn't start shopping until December. I'm usually done some time in November. I'm one of those annoying people that walk around the office with red sparkly nails and Christmas earrings starting December 1st asking if people are done shopping yet...well, not this year. Breaking Dawn totally took over my life after halloween...well, before even. Hell, this was the 1st year I didn't make a costume, but bought one off of ebay, which is balsphemous in this house.
But I digress, I need to get back at this. I just got back on twitter after 3-4 weeks ignoring it trying to get holiday stuff done and it's been a long time since we've had an Edward vs RPattz. So how about some post-holiday gigglez courtesy of random Google search of manips/creations from the fandom and an Edward vs RPattz holiday edition to ring in 2012.

K, this one I love, but, ah, Eddy's a little slack on the Christmas cheer. Not sure I would have chosen this particular pic, but it's still purdy.
#1 totes needs to take lessons from #3. Not bad, but uh, not sure why Edward has his coat on indoors, next to the roaring fire.
Happy New Year Twilovahs!!!!
But I digress, I need to get back at this. I just got back on twitter after 3-4 weeks ignoring it trying to get holiday stuff done and it's been a long time since we've had an Edward vs RPattz. So how about some post-holiday gigglez courtesy of random Google search of manips/creations from the fandom and an Edward vs RPattz holiday edition to ring in 2012.
Snicker, snicker....I call this "An Edward & Bella slutty computer game character Christmas". Nice turtleneck. And since when does Bella wear pumas?
K, this one I love, but, ah, Eddy's a little slack on the Christmas cheer. Not sure I would have chosen this particular pic, but it's still purdy.
#1 totes needs to take lessons from #3. Not bad, but uh, not sure why Edward has his coat on indoors, next to the roaring fire.
Hehehe! This is super cute, but man has Edward ever got a puss on his face. Lighten up dude, it's Christmas!
K, so it's time for a long overdue Edward vs RPattz. And it's not even Wednesday.
HAHAHAHAHA! This is the best...it's a manip with Rob's face, on Edward's body from New Moon, but his abs are doing some sort of messed up concaved thing. Screw Edward vs RPattz, I'm just posting this! I know it's the wrong year, but I don't give crap, this is priceless!
Friday, November 25, 2011
You Know it's a Twilight Movie Release Week When...
- Your house becomes very untidy;
- Your fridge is practically empty;
- The laundry pile(s) now bare a striking resemblance to the Closet Monster;
- You forget to bring your ENTIRE purse to work one day;
- Your cellphone is dead most of the week because you forgot to charge it and/or your ringer has been on silent since Nov 17th;
- You're having your worst hair week ever and showers are no longer daily events;
- You pretend Christmas is not coming because you don't have time to be distracted by such things;
- You forget to put snow tires on your car (what 2 feet of snow? shitttt!!);
- Your Christmas list consists of movie guides, soundtracks and other Twilight merch;
- Your days go something like this: get up, feed family, get to work, get home from work, feed family, go to movie, read a few chapters of BD, sleep, repeat.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Breaking Dawn soundtrack songs and their scenes
After seeing the movie four times (so far!) here's what I can match-up:
#1 Endtapes - End credits 1st song.
#2. Love will take you - ?
#3. It will Rain - End credits second song.
#4. Turning page - Best night of Edward's existence/Bella remembers.
#5. From Now On - Bella tries to seduce Edward, he tries to tire her out.
#6. A Thousand Years - ?
#7. Neighbours - Jacob gets mad at Bella @ wedding
#8. I Didn't Mean It - Credits (thx Smitten)
#9. Sister Rosetta - Bella getting ready for the big night
#10. Northern Lights - Jake and Bella dancing at the wedding.
#11. Flightless Bird - Wedding vows
#12. Requiem on Water - Bella having her first protective motherhood moment, caressing her belly while Edward goes to talk to the housekeeper. :(
#13. Cold - Bella alone on the gurney after arguing with Edward about her death/bath-tub scene. :(
#14. Llovera - Bella and Edward in the water on Isle Esme.
#15. Love, death, Birth - throughout.
#16. Like a drug - Mike Newton's wickedassed dance
Missing/on the Score CD?: boat ride to Isle Esme.
Can you fill in the blanks? Let me know if I've made mistakes! I'll see if I can add more after tonight (going again once the little stinker is asleep...may as well begin occupy Empire Theatres).
#1 Endtapes - End credits 1st song.
#2. Love will take you - ?
#3. It will Rain - End credits second song.
#4. Turning page - Best night of Edward's existence/Bella remembers.
#5. From Now On - Bella tries to seduce Edward, he tries to tire her out.
#6. A Thousand Years - ?
#7. Neighbours - Jacob gets mad at Bella @ wedding
#8. I Didn't Mean It - Credits (thx Smitten)
#9. Sister Rosetta - Bella getting ready for the big night
#10. Northern Lights - Jake and Bella dancing at the wedding.
#11. Flightless Bird - Wedding vows
#12. Requiem on Water - Bella having her first protective motherhood moment, caressing her belly while Edward goes to talk to the housekeeper. :(
#13. Cold - Bella alone on the gurney after arguing with Edward about her death/bath-tub scene. :(
#14. Llovera - Bella and Edward in the water on Isle Esme.
#15. Love, death, Birth - throughout.
#16. Like a drug - Mike Newton's wickedassed dance
Missing/on the Score CD?: boat ride to Isle Esme.
Can you fill in the blanks? Let me know if I've made mistakes! I'll see if I can add more after tonight (going again once the little stinker is asleep...may as well begin occupy Empire Theatres).
Friday, November 18, 2011
Breaking Dawn Part 1 Review (contains spoilers)
Well, I've just had the most epic 24 hours. I've just seen Breaking Dawn 3 times. And slept for 4 hours total, and, well had breakfast at 4pm today because frankly, seeing the morning showing was beyond worth taking a vacation day for let alone eating. It's been that kinda day/night. And it was indescribable. Up until 6:44pm yesterday, Eclipse was my favourite movie, but Breaking Dawn Part 1 is award worthy. Award worthy. Kristen Stewart deserves a golden globe at the very least. I don't know who was on the visual effects team but pregnancy with a hybrid human/vampire did not agree with Bella and it showed, just as it should have. She looked exactly as she should, like she was dying, like the baby was using every ounce of Bella's body to get the nutrition it needed, every last bit of plasma, fraction of bone marrow, everything. And I felt it. I couldn't eat during any of the movies, the 1st time because I was too excited, the others because I knew what was coming and it just felt wrong to eat seeing Bella as she was. It takes you in that much.
And the dress, oh god the wedding dress was stunning, and just perfect. The clothes were straight out of the books, every detail seemed to be exactly what the fans have been asking for all along - pay attention to the books (except, well, you know, with the long khaki skirts and stuff. Thank you Bill Condon for allowing artistic liberties there). And Steph at the wedding, it just felt right. Alice's over-decoration was so Alice. The flowers were beyond, the cake incredible (Jess's reaction was the best!). The twinkle lights were there, just as described in the book, off in the background, not begging to be noticed but there all the same. The chess set from the book cover was so good, so good.
And Edward. Oh Edward, how perfect were you? Despite Rob aging 4 years over the filming of the Saga, they managed to re-create the look of Twilight Edward but with the proper clothes and mannerisms of a married man. Bit of a hair cut mind you, but still, there was such amazing continuity, and not just with Edward but with everything. The throw back to the other movies just absolutely made the film. Here is a director who knows his audience. It was an emotional roller coaster, for the characters and for the audience. We laughed, we cried (a lot), we cringed, we almost vomited. And loved it. And the best moments? Edward was happy. He laughed. More than once. And it was beautiful, to see such a tortured soul, happy. A close second is a drunken Renee at the wedding. All the speeches were great. Such a nice touch, right down to the "Yeah baby, you're gonna get some!" look Jasper gives Edward as they drive off. And the birth. I've never been so close to falling off the edge of my seat at a movie, despite knowing she lives, I forgot that, in that moment, it took me in so much.
So what did you think? What were your favorite moments? Your most appreciated? See some funny out-of-place stuff? I had a hard time with this one - no Marcus' slippers moments. Even Edward's shoes were great. Maybe during round 5 or 6 I'll start to see those things, but for now, it's just memories of pure,well, magic.
And the dress, oh god the wedding dress was stunning, and just perfect. The clothes were straight out of the books, every detail seemed to be exactly what the fans have been asking for all along - pay attention to the books (except, well, you know, with the long khaki skirts and stuff. Thank you Bill Condon for allowing artistic liberties there). And Steph at the wedding, it just felt right. Alice's over-decoration was so Alice. The flowers were beyond, the cake incredible (Jess's reaction was the best!). The twinkle lights were there, just as described in the book, off in the background, not begging to be noticed but there all the same. The chess set from the book cover was so good, so good.
And Edward. Oh Edward, how perfect were you? Despite Rob aging 4 years over the filming of the Saga, they managed to re-create the look of Twilight Edward but with the proper clothes and mannerisms of a married man. Bit of a hair cut mind you, but still, there was such amazing continuity, and not just with Edward but with everything. The throw back to the other movies just absolutely made the film. Here is a director who knows his audience. It was an emotional roller coaster, for the characters and for the audience. We laughed, we cried (a lot), we cringed, we almost vomited. And loved it. And the best moments? Edward was happy. He laughed. More than once. And it was beautiful, to see such a tortured soul, happy. A close second is a drunken Renee at the wedding. All the speeches were great. Such a nice touch, right down to the "Yeah baby, you're gonna get some!" look Jasper gives Edward as they drive off. And the birth. I've never been so close to falling off the edge of my seat at a movie, despite knowing she lives, I forgot that, in that moment, it took me in so much.
So what did you think? What were your favorite moments? Your most appreciated? See some funny out-of-place stuff? I had a hard time with this one - no Marcus' slippers moments. Even Edward's shoes were great. Maybe during round 5 or 6 I'll start to see those things, but for now, it's just memories of pure,well, magic.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
There's a reason we all love Twilight...
...and this is it, right here. I'd give my left arm (and some dudes would give their left nut, I'm sure) to look this good just being (click to enlarge) No Edward vs RPattz today, just this awseomeness from the London Premiere. Oh, and 1 MORE DAY!!!
Thx to Smitten for the pic!
Thx to Smitten for the pic!
Monday, November 7, 2011
10 days and the promo is insane!
So it's 10 days until Breaking Dawn Part 1 is out, and I can't concentrate on anything else. God help me at work, that's just a total write off until the end of November, at least. And then there's Christmas craziness, so yeah, I'm pretty much done the heavy until the end of the year. I'm sure my boss will understand when I say "Uh, I'm a little behind, Breaking Dawn came out you know, you totes understand though right?". Yeah, he'll understand all right, all the way to HR with a posting for my job. Anywho, all is well in the world. There is so much promo I can't even begin to post it all. Here's a smackeral of awesomely awesome websites that are on top of it. Be warned, there is so much ooey gooey goodness it's practically dripping off the computer screen.
Awesome Breaking Dawn Con pics from Twitarded:
Some funniez and BDC pics from LTT:
And the motherload of interviews, pics and more over at Thinking of Rob:
Gotta go catch up on all the goodies myself. There's like a week's worth of solid procrastination here.
Awesomesauce. Over and out.
Awesome Breaking Dawn Con pics from Twitarded:
Some funniez and BDC pics from LTT:
And the motherload of interviews, pics and more over at Thinking of Rob:
Gotta go catch up on all the goodies myself. There's like a week's worth of solid procrastination here.
Awesomesauce. Over and out.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Edward vs RPattz Wednesday!
Today’s post is inspired by recent pics brought to my attention by my Twilovah Smitten. Seems our boy Pattzy is exploring Europe these days, and lookin’ mighty fine while doing it! Still, he’s got some tough competition as his alter-ego. Let’s do a comparison shall we?
Smiley Edward
Smiley RPattz travelling abroad for #breakingdawn promo and such
And then of course, there’s a little from column A and a little from column B:
I have to say this one goes to Edward. So pretty. Though I’m lovin’ the suit, Pattzy, I must say.
So it’s been a very busy two weeks. Contests and tv spots and promo pics up the yin-yang (do people even say that anymore?). Only 15 days. Frig that’s nuts. Just yesterday it was like “Only 18 months to go…”. Here’s what we’ve learned recently (and I doubt I’ve captured it all, so much has been going on in the twilight universe):
- We almost had an “R” rating, according to KStew. Almost. Still gonna be juicy though, much more than a "fade to black", that’s for sure.
- The soundtrack is awesome, and the close-by-return to the sounds of the original Twilight movie are beyond awesome. I can’t wait to hear the score. Anyone know when that is going to be released? Oh, and the piano sheet music? Edward may or may not have inspired me to pick up playing piano again after a 10 year hiatus, or something like that. It's been a while.
- Bella’s lullaby. It’s in there. Summit was listening, oh yes.
- The Twi-fecta will be at premieres overseas on the 18th (so no chance of them showing up in craptastic Eastern Canada. Really? Wow, I’m shocked.).
K, time for one more Edward vs RPattz, sweet ride edition!
Edward and his supasexymobile (well insofar as Volvos can be considered sexy):
RPattz and his sweet, sweet ride:
Ok, I know that’s from Remember Me, but meh, I cheat.
And the winner is Edward! Weeeoooo!!
Friday, October 28, 2011
New Breaking Dawn Part 1 TV spot, Love Forever!
So many TV spots and trailers! Here's a compilation from the past month or so. Only 20 days left. Woot!!!!
Shedding some tears over "Love Forever"!
Shedding some tears over "Love Forever"!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Canadian Volvo Breaking Dawn contest. Sweet!!
Here's some deets from the Volvo Canada website:
Click here for more: http://www.volvocars.com/en-ca/top/about/news-events/pages/default.aspx?itemid=44
Volvo Canada announces "Journey to the Wedding" contest
Volvo Canada announces "Journey to the Wedding" contest
Promotion offers Twilight fans chance to win a Brazilian getaway and a Volvo S60 R-Design!
Fans can visit Volvo Canada's Facebook fan page and play an online game for a chance to win:
- A Brazilian getaway where Edward and Bella spent their honeymoon
- A Volvo S60 R-Design like Edward's!
TORONTO, ON. (Oct. 19, 2011) - Volvo Cars of Canada Corp. is inviting Twilight Saga fans to celebrate the wedding of the century with two online promotions in conjunction with the release of Summit Entertainment's The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1, opening in theatres on November 18th.
Beginning October 19th, participants can register to play Volvo's online game, "Journey to the Wedding," for a chance to win a trip for two to Rio de Janeiro, including a stay in the same luxurious house where Edward and Bella spend their honeymoon. The lucky winner will also take home a 325 HP Volvo S60 R-Design just like the one Edward drives in the latest installment of the film franchise. With a perfect marriage of style and substance, Volvo's S60 R-Design features best-in-class acceleration, performance and fuel efficiency, making it Volvo's most dynamic model ever.
How Volvo's "Journey to the Wedding" Game Works:
Beginning October 19th, fans (18 and up) can register at www.facebook.com/volvocarsofcanada to play the interactive game. Fans are then encouraged to make their way to the wedding of Edward and Bella by completing a series of three challenges. The player who finishes the final challenge in the shortest amount of time will win the game. Volvo will announce the winner on November 28th. Fans can also learn more about the game on Volvo Canada's Facebook fan page and Twitter account.
Click here for more: http://www.volvocars.com/en-ca/top/about/news-events/pages/default.aspx?itemid=44
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