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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Random ramblings of a 30-something Twilovah

So, there are 23 days left until the Big Show. Well, 22 if you live in this part of the world (the Eastern seaboard of North America) and are blessed with time zone influence. The shows start here at 10pm on the 17th. I wonder if Summit knows this? I'm sure they do, there'd be some sort of lawsuit or something I guess. Anywho, I've been trying to decide how best to spend these 22 days. I tried reading Breaking Dawn again. I got a few pages in, started skipping chapters to the wedding, then started seeing all kinds of differences between the trailers/stills/spoilers from way back when and the book, and started getting dissapointed.

I told my twilovies that I would not do this. I know that the differences in details bug me. I'm one of those. When I realized that Bella had two clips in her hair in the book (which I forgot about), and that Rosalie's dress is silver, not purple, I started getting all pissy and put the book down. Now I don't know what to do with myself. I spent the summer reading the entire Harry Potter series for the first time to deal with the drought (wasn't that bad, was good, actually, but that's not for here). I downloaded and watched all the seasons of Mad Men (awesomesauce, BTW), Big Bang Theory (also super funny, especially if you are, and are married to, a scientist), and well, now I'm out. I need suggestions. I'm on the brink of creating KStew vs KStew (cause Bella is kinda plain) or something like that, but I've been warned that the KStew lovers (of which I am one, but apparently not on any sort of classifiable level) are insanely protective. I think she's great, just like Rob, but I poke fun because I love. 

So I guess I'll pass the time posting pics of Edward. Cause like I once said to my twilovies, it wouldn't matter if New Moon, Eclipse, etc, consisted of 2 hours of pictures of Edward, we'd still go 10 times and think it was Oscar worthy. That would be pretty sweet, actually...So yeah, here's some eye candy, for you and for me. Here's to a fast and happy 22 days! Now, let's see what the old google images has for us today...
Aw yeah, there he is, the original Hotward. Dont' mind the filming equipment, doesn't change a thing.

Aw, sad panda Edward. So beautiful. Anyone else POed that it seemed like he was going to propose here and didn't?

Hahahaha! Ridiculous promo Edward! This is so lame. Pretty, but lame. What? I so did NOT go out and buy my husband a replica of this jacket at Old Navy. Did not!

WTF?! Who the hell is this guy. Why is he littering my browser when I googled ''Edward Cullen"? Oh, wait, it's some dude who auditioned for the part. Sorry, you're cute, but you're no RPattz.

Okay, let's get back to it...

Hells yeah, tent scene Edward. I'm likin' google images a lot more now.

And with that greatness, we'll call it a day. Which reminds me, I need to add some sort of disclaimer to the site stating that I have borrowed each and every one of these photos and claim no copyright whatsoever. Onwards...

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